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Shaping the Future: Ph.D. Scholars from Every Department


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CUTM Doctoral Programme

We enable you to design your own PhD programs. The focus could be in a core discipline or multidisciplinary and applied sciences, to resolve real time, real world problems. It could be in niche areas, be process or product oriented, and relating to management or social issues. The program features a series of activities to enhance your learning experience. You have to complete the mandated coursework and in addition attend workshops and seminars, delivered by experts in your field. You will keep up to date with research findings in the discipline(s) of interest to you. And you will also have opportunities for teaching, mentoring and internships

The University started offering the doctoral programme in 2011 in the areas of Engineering, Applied Sciences, Management, Humanities/Social Sciences, Pharmacy, Agriculture. Ph.D in Inter-disciplinary areas are also accepted in the programme. So far the University has produced 139 doctorates in the Ph.D programme in different disciplines. Centurion University encourages Ph.D students to undertake action research with strong policy and application implications.

Course Work

A student has to complete course work of one-year duration having 14 credits. in which Research Methodology is compulsory. The Ph.D scholars admitted to CUTM are required to qualify in three subjects i.e. Research Methodology, Publication and Ethics, Elective subjects and Technical writing


The main objective of the course work is to develop an understanding of
the following: theoretical and methodological foundations of research;

The research process;

  • How to prepare a research design including the methods and techniques to be used;
  • The theoretical formulation of a topic, the process and methods of data collection;
  • How data is analysed and interpreted; and
  • The process of writing a research report.

Course content

The scholars are given admission for three years including pre-registration year in which they are required to obtain a grade point of 6.0 through their course work, enabling them to register for the research work and submission of the thesis thereafter. The course work is to be evaluated through credit system that comprises:

  • Research Methodology (4 credits)
  • Technical writing (4 credits, which includes 2 research Papers and 1 review paper publication)
  • Publication and ethics (2 credits)
  • Elective subjects (4 credits)

The Research Methodology (RM) course is mandatory for all in which the scholar has to be physically present with 75% attendance to complete it. The students participate in the class either at the Jatni Campus (during weekends over a span of over 2 months – August – November). The RM carries 40% common modules marks and 60% discipline-specific marks. The discipline-specific examination is written type and open book.

About the Programme

This programme includes registration seminar, course work, six-monthly review, pre-submission talks and thesis submission. One can submit his/her thesis within 3 years of registration. If the scholar unable to submit the thesis within the stipulated time period, an extension of 2 years is allowed. Extensions beyond 6 years is allowed in special cases only.

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