Agricultural and Bio-Engineering Courses
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About the Programme
The Bachelor’s degree in Phytopharmaceuticals was initiated after receiving requests from industrial partners like Himalaya Wellness, Dabur and Emami, to fulfil their skilled human resource requirements. The focus of this course is on delivering the entire value chain of herbal drug industry – starting from cultivation of MAPs to marketing of dosage forms. Hence, students receive training on cultivation and collection of medicinal and aromatic plants like Liquorice, Senna, etc., followed by their authentication with morphological and anatomical features, and DNA barcoding, and then the extraction of active principles from the raw drug by Soxhlet, SCF, and subcritcal extraction methods. Students are trained further to characterize and separate the molecular constituent from the extract by UV spectroscopy, paper chromatography, TLC, and HPLC, at our laboratories. These isolated molecules are then transformed to medicinal and cosmetic formulations like churna, kwatha, fanta, kalaka, gutika, lehya, kwatha churna, soap, hand wash, sanitizers, shaving cream, shampoo, etc. On action learning mode, students are involved in plant tissue culture, monitoring the secondary metabolite production, designing silico drug, and developing microwave assisted extractor as major and minor projects. Apart from that, students also learn about the clinical trial procedure, international herbal drug and nutraceutical regulations, and good manufacturing practices to improve their job competency. With emergence of extensive application of computation in pharma and healthcare industries, the university is empowering students with smart courses like data science, machine learning, and robotics to keep them competent.
4 year
Scope/Job Opportunity
MAPs Entrepreneur | R&D Associate (Herbal) | R&D Associate (Nutraceuticals) | R&D Associate (Cosmetics) | Process Engineer (R&D) |R&D Associate (Essential Oil and Perfumery) | Research Associate (Regulatory Affairs) | Research Associate (QC/QA) | Production Supervisor | Packaging Supervisor | Process Engineer (Extraction and Scale-up) | Executive Manager (MAPs Farming) | Manager (Sales) | Medical Coder |Biomedical Data Scientis
Fee Per Semester | Fee Per Year | |
10+2 (physics/Math, Chemistry, Biology)- 50%
- Drug and pharmaceutical research.
- Food processing.
- Bio-processing industries.
- Public funded.
- Laboratories Chemicals.