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Certificate in Radiology Technician

About The Programme

It’s a skill-oriented course to provide practice and knowledge to an individual to prepare the room and patient for performing diagnostic imaging examinations such as X-ray, CT scan and MRI under the guidance. Prepare the patients, unit & machine and keep patient records along with maintaining the standards of the equipment.


50 Hrs

Scope/Job Opportunity

X-Ray Technician, Mammography Technician, OPG Technician, CT & MRI Technician, Radiation safety officer, Sales Manger in MNC company, Diagnostic center in-charge.

Module -1 
Anatomy & Physiology:
Skeletal System, .Respiratory system, Digestive System, Urinary system, Central nervous system, Endocrine system, Reproductive system

Module -2
Essential Physics:
Sound & Heat, A.C. and D.C. power supply, Rectification and Transformers, Electromagnetic radiation spectrum and its properties, Production of X and gamma rays, Radioactivity, Interaction of radiation with matter, Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD), Radiation protection.

Module – 3 
Principles of imaging:
X-ray films, Intensifying screens, X-ray cassettes, Darkroom and equipment in Darkroom, Developer & fixer, Automatic Processing system, LASER Printer.

Module -4
Construction of Equipment:
Stationery anode x-ray tube, rotating anode x-ray tube, Beam Restrictors, Grids, Fluoroscopy, Image Intensifier tube, Portable and mobile x-ray units, Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).

Radiographic Technique– 1: (Practice)
Upper limb, Lower Limb, Vertebral column, Skull Radiography, Chest X-Ray, Abdominal X-Ray. Views: AP, PA, LATERAL, OBLIQUE, RAO, LAO

Module – 6 
Radiographic Special Procedures: (Practice)
Contrast media used in the x-ray department (inclusive of those applicable to CT & MRI), Barium meal, Barium swallow, Barium enema, BMFT, IPV, HSG, RGU, MCUG, Myelography, Sialography, Angiography

Module- 7 
Mammography & Ultrasound:
Mammography Machine, Views, Ultrasound, Transducer, Probes, Properties of Ultrasound. Doppler Ultra Sound.

Module -8 
Computed Tomography & Magnetic Resonance Imaging:
History of CT & MRI, Generations of CT & Hounsfield Units, Concept of Voxel, Pixel, Basics of magnetism, Types of magnetism & Magnet, Larmour Frequency, Basic instrumentation of Coils, Advantages, Disadvantages, safety measures.
  • Eligibility Criteria- 12th Science pass / +2 Science pass or above
  • Can assist in the department of Radio-diagnosis
  • Can further pursue Diploma/ Degree courses in the same

Your Certificate in Radiology TechnicianFaculty

Dr. Soumya Jal

Monali Priyadarshini Mishra

© 2024 Centurion University