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Certificate in General Duty Assistance Service

About The Programme

This skill course is about transferring a patient by general duty assistant facility in the health sector. The purpose of transferring is to move the patient to and from a bed, wheelchair or chair using proper body mechanics, focusing on safety and planning. Some of the key responsibilities include maintaining activities of patients daily living, patient comfort, safety and health needs.


50 Hrs

Module 1: Introduction to Healthcare Systems , Broad functions of Patient Care Assistant (6 hrs)
Practice- Basic understanding of Healthcare Service Providers(primary, secondary & tertiary), Basic understanding of services offered to patients in a hospital ,Basic understanding of various departments in the hospital.
Practice: To develop broad understanding of the functions to be performed by PCA, Understand the functions to be performed by PCA during admission and discharge of patient.

Module 2: Introduction to Human Body-Structure & Function , Personnel Hygiene & Professional Behaviour (9 hrs)
Practice- Understanding different parts of body , Understanding different systems of body, Understanding different positions of bed
Practice- To develop understanding of the concept of Healthy Living, To develop understanding & procedures of Hand Hygiene, To develop techniques of Grooming, To be equipped with Techniques of Use of PPE.

Module 3 : Bio Medical Waste Management , Emergency Medical Response ( 6 hrs)
Practice- To gain understanding of importance of proper and safe disposal of bio-medical waste & treatment , To gain understanding of categories of bio-medical waste, To learn about disposal of bio-medical waste – colour coding, types of containers, transportation of waste,etc.
Practice: Describe chain of survival , Demonstrate CPR and Emergency situations, crash cart trolley, O2 cylinder etc

Module 4: Positioning/ Transferring/ Mobility of patients, Observing and Reporting ( 6 hrs)
Practice: Describe importance of positioning for a patient in treatment and recovery, Introduction to various types of position, Understand usage of Wheel chair, stretcher, shifting of patient from bed to stretcher
Practice: Understand the importance of observing and reporting to authority for said or unsaid findings, if any, Understanding the importance of verbally informing the person in authority

Module 5: Patient’s Rights & Environment , Patient – Basic care and needs ( 6 hrs)
Practice: Describe necessary arrangements to ensure patient safety and comfort, Understand sensitivities involved in patient’s right.
Practice: Understand the difference of care provided to ill patients, terminally ill, physically challenged and handicapped personnel.

Module 6 : Elimination , Bed Making , Role of General Duty Assistant -Sanitation, Safety & First Aid ( 6 hrs)
Practice: Understand the importance forexcreta disposal in human body , Understand care to be provided in case of urine And bowel Incontinence or patient with urinary catheter, Observation of urine and stools for routine as well as special reporting.
Practice: To understand various types of linen used in hospital , To develop an understanding for the need of periodic changing of linen, To understand preparation of an empty bed, occupied bed and room after discharge etc.
Practice: Describe common emergency conditions and what to do in medical emergencies, Describe basics of first aid , To develop understanding and precautions to ensure self safety.

Module 7: Infections control and prevention, Emergencies in health care and response to patient call ( 6 hrs)
Practice: Identification of deviation from normal health , Explain Hospital borne infections, Explain different types of Spillages and their management.
Practice: Describe emergencies in Hospital and general conditions , Describe fire emergencies and action to be initiated in fire emergencies
  • Must have completed 10th Class and must be 18 years old.
  • Can join health industries as a general duty assistant and will progress Assist nurse.
  • Can become a health attendant in the related field.
  • Can do ANM program in the same domain.

Your Certificate in General Duty Assistance ServiceFaculty

Dr. Soumya Jal

Monali Priyadarshini Mishra

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