Dr. Ron Harper has had an outstanding career in business and university administration and teaching. From 1986 to 1998 he was a highly successful executive and publisher with the Pearson Group. He was Director of Higher Education and Business Development in Australia and a member of the international Addison Wesley Longman Group key strategic committee for technology change. In 1999 he moved into university administration, joining a university consortium, Open Learning Australia (now Open Universities Australia) where he was responsible for marketing, business development and government relations. Amongst his achievements during this time he developed a national training program in public sector management, which he negotiated to be delivered nationally through a network of Australian universities.
Under his administration the volume and value of the OLA enterprise was more than doubled. Following his time at Open Learning Australia he moved into academic research and teaching with RMIT University, where he became coordinator of two significant courses—Marketing Management and Knowledge Management—in the MBA program at the Graduate School of Business. Since joining Centurion University in 2008, Dr Harper has been instrumental in increasing its profile and reputation in Australia, including the establishment of a partnership with the University of Southern Queensland.
Dr. Ron Harper
Professor William Lovegrove is an innovative and internationally renowned researcher and a highly respected member of the Australian Higher Education sector. He was Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) from 2003 – 2011. During that time Professor Lovegrove strengthened the University’s reputation as an international leader in e-learning and distance education. During his tenure, Professor Lovegrove also developed a strong corporate direction, increased alliances with communities and industry and developed a more innovative approach to research and teaching. Prior to his appointment at USQ, Professor Lovegrove was Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research, Internationalisation and Commercialisation) at Griffith University.
He has also held senior positions at the University of Wollongong after commencing his academic career at the University of Tasmania. Professor Lovegrove’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts, First Class Honours and Doctorate in Psychology through the University of Queensland and completion of an Advanced Executive Program from the Kellogg School of Business at NorthWestern University in the United States. Throughout his career Professor Lovegrove has developed a high-level international research profile in the areas of visual information processing and dyslexia.
For further information about the Center for Skills and Knowledge Exchange please contact one of the academics by writing to cutmaustralia@gmail.com
Professor William Lovegrove