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Troubleshooting and Maintenance Action Learning Lab: BOSCH and MANATECH

The University has established an action learning laboratory on light passenger motor vehicles troubleshooting and maintenance in partnership with BOSCH and MANATECH. The laboratory is equipped with different troubleshooting apparatus and all required tools as per the BOSCH and MANATECH Training Standard Operating Procedures.

Unique Features


Aim and objectives of the action learning laboratory

To enable students to get hands on training on automotive AC servicing, fault diagnosis in sensor and electrical system, wheel balancing and alignment.

To provide hands on knowledge, experiential learning and practice linked pedagogy on the following:

  1. Servicing of Air Conditioner of light weight passenger vehicle
  2. Fault diagnosis of Electronic Control Unit
  3. Diagnosing electrical fault
  4. Condition monitoring of wheels
  5. Wheel alignment


  1. Conversant in using scan tool for fault diagnostics
  2. Ability to overhaul an Automobile Air Conditioner
  3. Ability to diagnose an electrical fault
  4. Visual inspection of wheel to understand Castor, Camber, Toe in and out
  5. Wheel alignment using RFID technique
  6. Use of precision metrological tools
  7. Enhancing Employability and Entrepreneurship


BTech, MTech, Skills for Success (SFS) and Domain Courses (All UG course including BSc), Diploma, CTS-ITI (DGT/NCVET), CITS- ITOT

(DGT/NCVET) and World Skills participants. The lab serves as state-of-the-art facility for research scholars: PhD and Research fellows.

The students will be able to carry out preventive, scheduled and breakdown maintenance of any light motor vehicles using state of the art tools by BOSCH and MANATEC. The students of World Skills are trained on their required test projects and in a real time simulated environment.

Market Linkages

The aim of the action learning laboratory is to enable student with functional skill set on automotive AC servicing, fault diagnosis, wheel balancing and alignment system. By gaining hands on experience on this field, the student can choose to become an entrepreneur by setting up of own unit or can opt for job in automotive sector as service engineer or technician.

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