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Educational Objectives

Educational Objectives


Given its focus on skill development, Centurion university mainly focuses on the following PEOs:
1. Employability

The University, through its continuous innovative approaches is being able to surge the employability of its students. While the curriculum is maintained resilient without scope for deviations, flexibility in selection of courses that match the interest of the students is made possible through introduction of free electives.
The University also is the only one in the region to encourage industry internships as a part of the curriculum. This also leads to better placement of the students and better quality projects.

2. Higher degree or research

As the university is delivering programmes in applied fields, research spirit is encouraged among students, through undertaking live industrial or social problems as projects. The University offers specific courses which make students think originally and look for new and efficient ways of looking at problems.

3. Entrepreneurship

The University is providing business incubation support to its students, faculty and alumni to encourage local enterprise and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is offered as a part of curriculum and is one of the programme goals of the academic programmes.

Academic Mentoring

The Academic Mentoring is a part of the Proctorial System. Students are counseled by mentor on their academic problems, if any and how to improve on their performance, career counseling etc. The Faculty mentor even tries to sort out issues of a student by discussing with other colleagues. A one hour slot per week is provided in the timetable for the conduct of Proctorial meeting. The Proctors interact with the Proctees in that hour is compulsory. Apart from the allotted hour, the Proctors counsel the Proctees individually as per need/ situation. The mentor focus starts from day one in the campus. After gathering full details on the strength and weakness of the student the mentor works continuously on the weak areas to enhance student attribute and engrains lifelong learning.

Programme Outcomes :
The programme outcomes are decided in line with the PEOs and are mentioned separately for every programme.

Course Outocomes:
Each course ( theory/practical/field project) is defined with clear course outcomes and they are part of the course outlines developed by the faculty.

The assessments are also aligned with the outcomes.

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